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TradeTek Monthly License





$99 per Month per Computer

Cancel Anytime - includes free tech support and updates.

Subscribe for Windows

Subscribe for macOS

After subscribing to TradeTek, contact us to add Cloud or Shared to your account.

TradeTek Shared

Shared Tier 1 - (store up to 50 jobs) - $99/mo.

Shared Tier 2 - (store up to 200 jobs) - $199/mo.

TradeTek Cloud

Cloud Tier 1 - (store up to 50 jobs & 5 users) - $99/mo.

Cloud Tier 2 - (store up to 100 jobs & 10 users) - $199/mo.

Cloud Tier 3 - (store up to 200 jobs & 20 users) - $299/mo.

Cloud Tier 4 - (store up to 300 jobs & 30 users) - $399/mo.

Cloud Tier 5 - (store up to 400 jobs & 40 users) - $499/mo.

TradeTek Annual License





$995 per Year per Computer

Cancel Anytime - includes free tech support and updates.

Subscribe for Windows

Subscribe for macOS

After subscribing to TradeTek, contact us to add Cloud or Shared to your account.

TradeTek Shared

Shared Tier 1 - (store up to 50 jobs) - $995/year.

Shared Tier 2 - (store up to 200 jobs) - $1995/year.

TradeTek Cloud

Cloud Tier 1 - (store up to 50 jobs & 5 users) - $995/year.

Cloud Tier 2 - (store up to 100 jobs & 10 users) - $1995/year.

Cloud Tier 3 - (store up to 200 jobs & 20 users) - $2995/year.

Cloud Tier 4 - (store up to 300 jobs & 30 users) - $3995/year.

Cloud Tier 5 - (store up to 400 jobs & 40 users) - $4995/year.

Training & Consulting

$495 - Purchase a 3 Hour Training Block Below.

***Payment Options***

Card: With credit card payments, the payment is processed instantly and activation serial numbers are issued by email same day.  Subscription payments are automatically processed monthly or annually until cancelled.  

US bank account:  With this option, the customer enters their bank information to set up an automated ACH payment directly from their bank account.  The payment is processed within 4 days and activation serial numbers are issued by email once the payment has processed.  Subscription payments are automatically processed monthly or annually until cancelled.  There is no additional cost (bank fees) for the customer with this option.

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